The Olympic Games of new media is carried out - it is with CCTV exemple

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CCTV international is during the Olympic Games make huge investment, be dedicated to making network safety platform, information safety platform TV of platform of two old techniques, network, mobile phone, IPTV and public transportation shift platform of 4 big application, the hope passes media of aggregate Olympic Games, implementation spans development.

Network TV respect, the international such as CCTV international and Microsoft, Adobe is famous technical company cooperates, devote oneself to to make stand of Olympic Games of its network TV the world have the support of the most powerful technology, newest, network video that has the stablest technology and hardware tiring-room safeguard to watch a product.

Respect of public transportation TV, opened sowed CCTV shift on December 18, 2007, end to already waited in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen at present big in city, screen of many 80 thousand TV was installed on more than about 40 thousand bus. With the form that day replaces, broadcast by turns everyday 12 archives in all program of 60 minutes of seeing and hearing.

Car of ministry of career of multimedia of CCTV international shift carries TV business department to carry out chief inspector Duan Xiaohu to express, public transportation TV plans to make an appointment with 30 cities at the autograph before the Olympic Games, 50 thousand public transportation, screen of 100 thousand TV, every city is occupational half market.

Hand Electromechanical inspects a respect, mobile phone of ministry of career of multimedia of CCTV international shift sheds media business department to carry out chief inspector Luo Li to say, since Feburary 2008, TV of CCTV international mobile phone begins to offer by second watch, watch an user growth is apparent. By second watch can solve the discharge of high specified number that perplexes mobile phone TV at present to expend a problem partly. relatively at every turn about a hundred yuan discharge cost, dibble seeding expends a doorsill without discharge. 349 money can see dibble seeding, money of every months of 5-10 piece can experience an user the program that its hope to watch.

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